Drone recordings maritime and offshore

Drone videos and aerial photography of port companies, ships, cruise ships and wind farms. Safe and certified.

Drone recordings maritime and offshore

Drone videos and aerial photography of port companies, ships, cruise ships and wind farms. Safe and certified.

Drones offer different image quality.

Drone recordings of port companies, maritime and offshore

To take drone videos or aerial photos in a port area or offshore, you need flying experience and the right drones. Aeriallive Productions has a lot of experience in making drone recordings in port areas and on board ships. To be allowed to fly a drone above a port area, the operator must have at least a SPECIFIC permit.

Operational drone team

Our drone pilots are not only good at flying drones safely, they are also good at creating unique drone images. Our drone team consists of experienced pilots and camera operators. We work with short lines and ensure pleasant cooperation. In the port and offshore we always work with at least two people. A pilot and for safety on the ground and in the air we always have a trained observer present.

The best specifications for aerial photography.

We arrange:


Our team knows that a safe working environment in a port area or offshore is essential. We always come with a decent PPE set and have the means to cordon off areas and can use warning lighting.
Sometimes additional mitigating measures are necessary. This includes flying near oil tankers or factories where chemicals are manufactured. Our team will make a flight plan and a risk analysis in advance and carefully discuss the results with the safety manager.

Professional drones

We make drone recordings with a DJI Inspire 3 with X9 camera or a DJI Mavic 3 Pro. The Inspire 3 is DJI's professional flagship and produces images up to 8K ProRes RAW. On days when the wind is strong or when recordings have to be made from a sailing ship, the DJI Mavic 3 Pro is an excellent alternative.

Telephoto lenses for distant detail
The big advantage of the Inspire 3 X9 is that it is possible to film with telephoto lenses. This allows us to visualize details of a project from a safe distance.

Consent territory

If there is a port authority such as: Port of Rotterdam or North Sea Porttakes off, permission from the harbor master is required. Together with our experienced, certified drone pilots, we create a flight plan and arrange permission.

Interested or questions? Please feel free to contact us. 



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